Poems: Anytime - The Feel Your Voice - Since you live far brief summary of the artist. Aguilar Martinez was born in 1960 in Panama City. Is self-taught in the arts from an early age shows interest for this. Since 1982 he began his U.S. trip by attending the majority of Latin American art auction at prestigious auction houses in New York, Sotebysy Cristie, where it increased its interest in the arts Pl up here. These trips and frequent visits to museums and prestigious art gallery in the Big Apple, which relate to the movement of Latin American art and artists most representative, assimilating techniques and knowledge. His drawings and sketches are taking shape and color for transport to the world of painting canvases and showing his passion for the Plastic Arts. In 1991 he launched his artistic career, with an exclusive contract with the Art Gallery of Fine Art in Panama LUCIANO. From that moment consistently relates to Latin America Panamy artists renewing their knowledge in the plastic arts. His work reflects the identity of their races and that you always use fish figures intertwined with human figures and the others elements, for Martinez Aguilar mean fish movement, freedom, color, independence, wealth, and is the element used to associate his work with his native Aboriginal dialect meaning Panamcuyo is plenty of fish. His constant search and experimentation, it has to do work with rich textures and technicians to complement with different materials and with its own vibrant colors bringing his work to a personal dimension. This tour of the museums, auction houses and art galleries in New York, allows you to sharpen your artistic eye. In addition to Painter, sculptor, writer and poet, speaker, consultant, art, advertising, Radio and Television Producer. Produced and own animsus programs in his native Panama (Video Hits TV and Radio Spectacular) for several years. Also estudiDerecho and political science. Lately has been devoted to illustrate his original works, producing fine results. He currently resides in the United States. His first publication entitled The Scroll is a motivation and self-help manual. Right now sold in Panama (Exedra Books) and Miami (The Modern Poetry, Latin Fiesta in Fort Lauderdale, El Oasis de los Angeles in Hialeah) and on this site. His works have been acquired by collectors in the United States and Panama. Currently in production of his book of poems and his first novel. Solo exhibitions 1992 1995 Luciano Luciano Fine Art Fine Art Panam Panam Panam 1997 1999 Luciano Luciano Fine Art Art Gallery Inc. Art Gallery Luciano Panama 2000 Panama 2002 2 Hands Inc. Galelery Coral Gables Florida, USA. Luciano 2003 Art Gallery Inc. Panama 2005 May Art Studio Gallery Fort Lauderdale, FL USA 2006 February, Missura moderma & Classic Style Coral Gables, FL USA Recent Group in November 2005, Studio Art Gallery Fort Lauderdale, Florida USA 2006 July, 2006 U.S. Unilatina Dave September 29th Fl - October 1st. Art Fest @ Doral. 2007 August Madero Art Gallery in Coral Gables, Florida, USA 2007 September 8-10 MIAMI Int Wine Fair (Art Buffetts) 2007 October 12-14 Art Fest @ Doral Recent Awards * 2006 Rotary Art Fest @ Doral First Place category sculpture in this exhibition shows the artist's career Aguilar Martinez as there are several little pieces. IS FOR be purchased by collectors seeking to preserve them as a collection of artist's career. Some are available in reproduction only in Canvas.